文中有几处错误: 1 德军没有围困莫斯科; 2. 台风计划时, 莫斯科近郊的中路中央集团军的装甲主力没有被抽调到南线; 除非

来源: Giantfan 2018-02-21 08:48:16 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1355 bytes)
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你指的是基辅战役; 3. 斯大林格勒战役最终失败是希特勒 obsessed w/ 斯大林格勒, 将有限兵力资源分两路所致;

1939年前墨西哥向德国近半的进口石油.  德国本身也产油, 最多是synthetic oil. 

In 1938, of the total consumption of 44 million barrels, imports from overseas accounted for 28 million barrels or roughly 60 percent of the total supply. An additional 3.8 million barrels were imported overland from European sources (2.8 million barrels came from Romania alone), and another 3.8 million barrels were derived from domestic oil production. The remainder of the total, 9 million barrels, were produced synthetically. Although the total overseas imports were even higher in 1939 before the onset of the blockade in September (33 million barrels), this high proportion of overseas imports only indicated how precarious the fuel situation would become should Germany be cut off from them.

At the outbreak of the war, Germany’s stockpiles of fuel consisted of a total of 15 million barrels. The campaigns in Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France added another 5 million barrels in booty, and imports from the Soviet Union accounted for 4 million barrels in 1940 and 1.6 million barrels in the first half of 1941.


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