
来源: austraveller 2017-05-06 12:39:55 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5566 bytes)
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The United States is seeking to finalize arms deals worth tens of billions of dollars with Saudi Arabia ahead of US President Donald Trump’s visit to Riyadh later this month, Reuters reported Friday.


Trump is due to arrive in Saudi Arabia in late May as part of his first foreign trip since becoming US president, after which he will visit Israel. He is also set to travel to the Vatican, as well as NATO and G7 summits in Brussels and Sicily.

The proposed weapons contracts are said to include the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense anti-missile system (THAAD), which costs $1 billion and was recently deployed by the US in South Korea to defend against the threat of North Korean missiles.

Also being discussed as part of the package are the Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the M109 artillery piece, as well as the Littoral Combat Ship, according to Reuters.

In addition, some $1 billion-worth of munitions are said to be part of the deal, including armor-piercing warheads and laser-guided bombs.


波兰,沙特,韩国,还有可能的日本,美国基本是按部就班的完成了整个全球反导系统 -austraveller- 给 austraveller 发送悄悄话 austraveller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2017 postreply 12:43:13

哪那么多敌人呐,还全球反导。我们美国领导人要好好反思啊,为啥都是恶邻了呢? -闲看庭前- 给 闲看庭前 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2017 postreply 12:55:23

直接拿好了,装模作样签什么合同呢。 -海边居- 给 海边居 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2017 postreply 12:43:28

看来看去象在收保护费的样子。沙特在中东最大的敌人是伊朗。但是伊朗用弹道导弹打沙特? -用户名被占用了- 给 用户名被占用了 发送悄悄话 用户名被占用了 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2017 postreply 13:56:20

沙特伊朗上千年的恩怨;而且沙特主要产油区基本是仕叶派地盘 -austraveller- 给 austraveller 发送悄悄话 austraveller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2017 postreply 14:21:18

我不信伊朗会打沙特,两国的军事开支差别巨大,而且沙特控制了2个胜地。最多口水战。 -用户名被占用了- 给 用户名被占用了 发送悄悄话 用户名被占用了 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2017 postreply 14:41:26

开支巨大的沙特连也门都搞不定,战斗力和开支,装备先进程度很多时候并不一致 -austraveller- 给 austraveller 发送悄悄话 austraveller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2017 postreply 23:38:07



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