
来源: 2014-07-21 05:03:46 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


Questions of bias swirl after NBC removes, reinstates a Gaza reporter

Robin Abcarian - LOS ANGELES TIMES


It's not clear why NBC’s talented foreign correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin, who witnessed the killing of four Palestinian cousins in Gaza on Wednesday, was removed from his post later that day, then reinstated tonight.

NBC, which did not respond to a request for comment, has not specifically addressed the question, and Mohyeldin, whose Twitter feed had been silent for two days, offered no explanation other than to announce tonight that he's happy to be back in Gaza.

It is unclear whether the network was responding to accusations that had circulated on the Internet that Mohyledin was yanked out of Gaza because some thought his coverage was too sympathetic toward Palestinians.

Glenn Greenwald, who shared a 2013 Pulitzer prize for his NSA spy scandal coverage, is among those who whipped up suspicion about NBC. Thursday, on the Intercept website, Greenwald wrote:

"Over the last two weeks, Mohyeldin’s reporting has been far more balanced and even-handed than the standard pro-Israel coverage that dominates establishment American press coverage; his reports have provided context to the conflict that is missing from most American reports and he avoids adopting Israeli government talking points as truth. As a result, neocon and “pro-Israel” websites have repeatedly attacked him as a 'Hamas spokesman' and spouting 'pro-Hamas rants.'

Has Mohyeldin exhibited bias?

Not in my opinion. From what I have seen, it appears that Mohyeldin’s reporting has been fair, accurate and complete. He has not shied away from hard truths, but in the overheated world of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, every mainstream media report is picked apart and judged based on one’s sympathies or political agenda. Bias is often seen where none exists.

Mainstream news outlets that cover the conflict are easy targets for partisans who don't like what they see and read. I'd say NBC has some explaining to do, but until it does, I wouldn't be comfortable assuming that Mohyeldin is off the air for political reasons.

Still, this story illustrates how high emotions run when it comes to coverage of this intractable problem.

The New York Times set off an Internet tempest Wednesday when it changed a headline over its story about the four Palestinian boys who were killed on that Gaza beach. The Times’ original headline, “Four Young Boys Killed Playing on Gaza Beach” was later changed to “Boys Drawn to Gaza Beach, and Into Center of Mideast Strife.”


And it is in no way comparable to the journalistic sin committed Thursday by CNN reporter Diana Magnay, who was reassigned to Moscow after tweeting that Israelis gathered on a hill to watch the aerial bombardment of Gaza were “scum.”

(Her tweet: “Israelis on hill above Sderot cheer as bombs land on #gaza; threaten to ‘destroy our car if I say a word wrong’. Scum.”)

CNN told the Huffington Post’s Michael Calderone that Magnay had “reacted angrily on Twitter” after being “threatened and harassed before and during a live shot.” Both Magnay and the network apologized.
