历史被称战神的名将们 (中外列表)
1) 薛岳
据说如果按照抗战中歼敌的数量来排座次的话,众多抗日名将当中,薛岳应当名列第一。 薛岳将军(资料图) 薛岳指挥的四次长沙会战,消灭日军 ...抗日战争期间,参加淞沪会战,指挥了武汉会战、徐州会战、长沙会战等著名会战,在战场上他独创并成功运用“天炉战法”和“八字口袋战法”两大经典战术,消灭了大量日军,荣膺美国总统杜鲁门所授自由勋章。
抗日战争!薛岳成功运用两大经典战术大败日军! 薛岳,抗日名将。当时有抗日“战神”之称,陆军一级上将。抗日战争期间,参加淞沪 会战,指挥了武汉会战、徐州会战、长沙会战等著名会战,在战场上他独创
2) 林彪
3) Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel (15 November 1891 – 14 October 1944) was a German general and military theorist. Popularly known as the Desert Fox, he served as field marshal in the Wehrmacht (Defense Force) of Nazi Germany during World War II, as well as serving in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and the army of Imperial Germany.
Rommel was a highly decorated officer in World War I and was awarded the Pour le Mérite for his actions on the Italian Front. In 1937 he published his classic book on military tactics, Infantry Attacks, drawing o…
4) George Patton, Jr.
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