不知道大家是否看过taipei5869 美国解密电文,台独的真正鼻祖是老蒋

来源: uknogood 2016-10-24 08:59:19 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2236 bytes)

不知道大家是否看到过taipei5869 美国解密电文。台独并不是始于民进党,实际上蒋介石才是真正台独鼻祖。老蒋在大陆干不过共产党,苟延残喘到台湾并赖在联合国直到1971。在被赶出联合国后意识到再无可能进入联合国,摇身一变要搞个什么‘中华台湾共和国’而且还特意强调此中华并无政治含义,说白了与中国无瓜葛。以下是电文节选:

...The declaration should prescribe a new designation for the government here, namely “the Chinese Republic of Taiwan.” It would be stipulated that the term Chinese did not have any political connotation but was used merely as a generic term stemming from the Chinese ethnic origin of the populace on Taiwan...

...the President might do well to make these fundamental moves next spring just before the end of his current term, and then move up to an emeritus position as head of the reformed party and revered elder statesman (somewhat parallel to Mao's position), with C.K. Yen taking over as Chief of State and Chiang Ching-Kuo as Premier...

...although President Chiang is increasingly convinced of the imperative requirement for some early and radical action, he is not likely to move without the application of a powerful persuasive effort by the US Government...




外交部次長楊西崑的建議而已。建議看一下老毛在斯大林面前是什麼態度再噴。 -歡顏展卷林中坐- 给 歡顏展卷林中坐 发送悄悄话 歡顏展卷林中坐 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/24/2016 postreply 12:50:10

你md会说人话吗?你家说话叫喷?没有老将的同意,那个外交官会有胆与美国大使交谈? -uknogood- 给 uknogood 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 14:20:12

人人都知道的事。只是老共搞统战,将老蒋描绘成有民族大义的样子。老蒋搞不成,只好说汉贼不两立 -lisi- 给 lisi 发送悄悄话 (32 bytes) () 10/24/2016 postreply 20:29:42
