回复:请问夫妻吵架造成Misdemeaner Child Abuse case in NC 需要请律师吗?

来源: 2008-09-29 12:03:56 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Go to nearest wal-mart gardening department looking for a gentleman name "Jose Raul Torres". He is very knowledgeable person that can help you do it yourself.
(If you did not laugh you have problem.)

You can not do it yourself. You will be their witness to put you and your honey to jail. When the time you two left your parking lot, you already break the law. Police delay or not is not important. You need a good attorney to help you. Or you might loss the custody of your child and enjoy couple nights of government sponsored lodging.

DIY is limited to oil changes and small hobbies.