HowIS TaxCut home and business

来源: TaxSWChoic 2004-02-01 22:57:00 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (502 bytes)
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We R in TX, working couple, 1 baby, 1 house.
Have used TaxCut basic for 3 years. He secretly (break the policy of his company) built a start-up fab in China last year. I know some of the items are tax deductable for small business and there are even some people run a "Kong1 Tou2" business to take avantage of this. I am not sure TaxCut home and business ($50) would be more help than Basic($10) Or Deluxe($20) could be enough ? Ai, No $ and should save every penny. Thanks for help in advance.
