
来源: 2017-09-14 08:12:51 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

第一次给儿子sign up US kids golf的比賽,是在一????military base里,9/10当天,开车単程50+ miles,被告知我们不在 guest list上,所以没法给我们temporary pass to enter,不让进,所以打不了球,大人孩子郁闷而归。在 military base welcome center其间碰到另外兩家,爸爸帶儿子來的,同样问题。原因: 組织者忘了事先发送 military access form给我们,应該让我们填完交给military base來做背景調查的。

本地的组织者可能在我之前已经有人给他打电话complained,要求解决,所以当天我打的电话,text, email全部沒回,直到比賽之后第二天早上,发了military access form,沒有任何道歉!后來下午比赛結果post在网上,我儿子被mark no show,我只好通过官网contact us上 submitted我的complaint,要求去掉no show并refund registration fee.


我的:  This is the email that contains Military Access Foem, you know that it should be sent out as a blast to all the participants' parents before the deadline, unfortunately someone apparently forgot to send it. It was only sent to me this morning, one day after the game. 
Please be noted that I registered on 9/1, the deadline for Fountain Green guest list was 9/5, between 9/1 and 9/5, no one sent me this important email. Other than the registration confirmation email,the only email about the 9/10 game I received is on 9/9, which is important,too, but it's a different email.
对方回的: I understand that. There was an email sent out on August 30th which I know is a day before you registered. As I said in my previous email, I am offering you a coupon code for the registration fee minus a $15 processing fee, since this situation falls under our Medical/Emergency Refund Policy. That is the best I can do.
对方网站上把mark从no show 改成 withdrawal。这就是对方的解決方式。
我必須指出的是:因为组织者的失误导致不能比赛(至于我们夫妻带孩子白白跑了来回的time and gas,whole day ruined,就不提了),不是no show,可也不能隨便改成withdrawal 敷衍了事,根本就没withdraw,可笑又无语之一;对方说military access form在我注册之前一两天的8/30有发过,可笑又无语之二,这么重要的email,到注册截止为止不都必須要发的吗?可笑而无语之三:对方说我的情况符合他们的"medical/emergency refund policy,所以refund注册費$39減去$15 processing fee,$24以coupon code形式refund,这种自大嘴硬的人,我们既沒有任何medical,也没emergency,硬给我套上去的,为什么不能大方承认,是他们的失误,是本地组织者的失误而造成的。