Thank you for your advice. 租户填的租房申请作假, this is materially breach

来源: 2015-06-25 13:59:26 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
刚发完贴,租户又发信息又打电话,说漏水,他必须得核实我的修理工,才让进人。太折磨人了。刚打电话给律师,他说租户6月没按时交钱,已经违约,是breach of contract。 可以30天起诉走人 though I have one year lease with him。I really don't know how can I get him out.

另外,租户填的租房申请作假 which is materially breach the contract.

One question in the application is: “ Have you got evicted notice before” His answer is NO.

In my lease contract: Application: All statements in Tenant’s application must be true or this will constitute a material breach of this lease.

Can I use this to let him out? Thanks so much for any advice. I asked my lawyer, but he said that he never did a similar case on this reason.