
来源: 2014-10-23 17:37:44 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

人权署今天来电邮,说对方降到5000多刀。是这样算的: 她后来租到的房子比我们房子的房租贵100多,她原先准备和我们签4年,100多乘以48个月。又说我们可以counter-offer


1) 她没来看房,没有申请,怎么知道她一定是申请人里面收入信用最高 所以我们必须租给她?
2) 老公嫌麻烦,说给她2000算了。 我觉得 一旦和他们谈判 就等于承认我们有歧视,这样岂不是给人权署一个把柄继续调查么?

Isn't  it "innocent until proven guilty" in US? How come Dept. of Civil Rights can assume that we have committed discrimination without us actually denying anyone anything and take the side of the other party from the get-go? Do landlords have any civil rights at all?

我觉得要请律师。应该找real estate or civil rights attorney? How do I know which lawyer is good and experienced in this kind of case? what kind of cost can I expect to pay?

Thank you all very much for chipping in with your suggestions!