
来源: 2011-11-01 06:57:09 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

朋友坐UA国内航班时, 被空姐告之随身行李太大,朋友告知空姐随身行李中有崭新的两个ipad和一个iphone, 空姐仍然坚持要托运,结果将随身行李在登机桥边交托运(stroller那样). 到港后即刻发现取回的行李中ipadiphone被掉包成女用皮带.与机场交涉,机场认为行李是在登机桥边托运,该由航空公司负责,与机场无关. UA,索赔,UA拒绝赔偿,理由是UA’s baggage allowance policy is intended to enable a guest to travel to his destination with essential clothing items. The liability structure does not allow for coverage of certain high value items; Iphones and ipad are among those excluded items. Travelers are advised of these exclusions in the “conditions of contract for carriage” on our ticket wallet and our website.”

 朋友买的是电子票, 没有ticket wallet, 我在UA的网站上找不到conditions of contract for carriage, 只有关于行李尺寸的规定. 请问各位大侠该怎么办?
