
来源: 2011-10-17 12:26:33 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

“Vehicle 1 was traveling west on 800 north approaching the intersection at 800 east. Vehicle 2 was facing the east on 800 north, in the left turn lane to travel north on 800 east. Vehicle 2 entered the intersection and prepared to turn left. The traffic light for east/west traffic changed to red. Vehicle 2 stated that there was no oncoming traffic and he began to turn left to clear the intersection. Vehicle 1 ran the red light and entered the intersecton westbountd. Vehicle 1 struck vehicle 2...”

我是vehicle 1. 警察当时不在现场,他的报告是根据两个witness的证词写的. 实际情况是当时还是黄灯 (vehicle is facing the sun and that's probably why he did not see me), 灯是在车祸发生后变红的(本来黄灯马上就要变红灯了)。警察还根据证人的证词给我一个闯红灯的citation.

我应该怎么对待这个citation? 如果我fight the citation, 赢的机会大吗 (警察不在现场,但对方有两个有利证人)? 如果赢了对车祸理赔会有帮助吗?如果输了呢?

还是说我不应该fight the citation, 交罚款了事呢?(这样就等于承认我真的闯红灯了,要负担车祸的全部责任了- 万幸人都没有受伤)

就是想把损失减到最低。请大家帮忙出出主意。 多谢了!