请教这种情况下我该怎么做 NY custody interference

来源: 2010-07-16 04:19:23 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
我在这里发过帖子,我和我前妻去年6月分局,今年1月份签了separation agreement。 我自愿把primary physical custody给我前妻,并且付赡养费,并且我放弃了很多有争议的财产(例如marital debt,本该两个人共同负担,我一个人承担下来了),协议规定我每个星期六都有探视权。

后来因为一些原因,我前妻和我闹僵,开始拒绝给我探视权,我公司有picnic,我特意提前两个两个星期email通知,并且得到应允回复。当天我去找孩子,她缺带着孩子消失。我报警,警察致电前妻,前妻说visitation agreement是invalid的,我可以去法院申请visitation/custody。Quote from police report:
Also conducted a phone interview with s/o who stated the visitation agreement is not legal and if he wants to see his son, he has to file for custody/visitation from court.

于是我立刻去family court申请custody/visitation,于此期间,我email前妻,要求她让我见儿子,她email回,要求我签下一份不平等的agreement, 否则不会让我见儿子。 Quote from her email:
If I don’t receive the agreement by tonight, I’ll assume that you are not interested in seeing [my son's name] anymore.

昨天家庭法庭开庭,光2分钟就结束了,原因我前妻在supreme court提出离婚诉讼,案子上提。开庭结束后她很得意。至此我已经一个多月没见我儿子了。

之后我又email她,提出我一月没见儿子,希望她能给我带一个周末,我想带他去Zoo玩。我前妻回复说,Zoo一天就够了,所以能给我一天,而且先决条件是我签了那个不平等协议。Quote from her email:
Then one day is enough. So, if you sign the paper that I sent you before, I’ll let you see [my son's name] on this Saturday from 9 to 6 or 7.

不料2分钟后她马上又反悔,提出开庭之前不会让我见儿子, Quote:
I can’t let you see [my son's name] w/o court order. You can file for the motion at the supreme court.
Hey, the last time I saw him is June 12th. if I wait until supreme court, it's going to be more than 2 months that he wouldn't have seen me.
Just let me see [my son's name] this weekend. I can sign that paper, but let [my son's name] stay with me for both saturday and sunday this weekend.
He wants to see me too.

她开始fully ignore我。

至此我的想法很简单了,我不单要争财产,我还会争孩子的primary custody。前妻女权主义很强,可能她认为孩子一定判给她的,认为我一点机会都没有。但是她这个样子,我觉得我争小孩的可能性大多了。另外,她可能根本意识不到我会争儿子


另外我也想见儿子,儿子和我感情很好,每次在我这里玩都不想回去。但是supreme court要8月25才开庭。

另外,具体说闹僵的原因,前妻要求修改协议,而且修改的地方完全是beneficial to her。 我觉得不合理,当然不同意。她提出要去法院告我,我说你要去我只能奉陪。她还威胁我说如果她去了法院,我失去的肯定比她要求的多得多。我说你不是法官,如果我们答不成agreement,我们的事只能法院来解决。她就开始骂我无赖,讽刺我是个8岁孩童。