邻里之间的问题 (2)

来源: 2009-12-20 16:19:44 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

今天和老公鼓足勇气去找Neighbor.向她解释了冬天冷的时候有大量的冰in front of my drive way and along the curb... I fall last Friday ...

她说每家都有水向外排,你家也有pipe. I explained that it is OK by me if there is just rain or snow water. But there is water piped out everyday from your property and it creates ice and only my property has the ice problem. 我可以show你pictures. I was very very nice and polite to her.

I told her I am seeking the best way to solve the problem.

她说那是public area, village should take care of it.

She didnt want to see pictures. 她说下次有冰的时候,她要看看。The big snow covers the ice, so there is no evidence today.

我决定给她几天时间。She is next door neighbor anyway.