【爱得羞答答外加慢半拍】Silent Worship

来源: 2012-04-09 04:11:01 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

找不到伴奏,就加了点回声。希望大家喜欢 Silent Worship Did you not hear My Lady Go down the garden singing Blackbird and thrush were silent To hear the alleys ringing Oh saw you not My Lady Out in the garden there Shaming the rose and lily For she is twice as fair. Though I am nothing to her Though she must rarely look at me And though I could never woo her I love her till I die. Surely you heard My Lady Go down the garden singing Silencing all the songbirds And setting the alleys ringing But surely you see My Lady Out in the garden there Rivaling the glittering sunshine With a glory of golden hair 静静的爱恋 你难道没有听到 我的心上人在园中歌唱 黑鹂和画眉静悄悄 听那歌声在巷中回荡 你难道没有看到 我的心上人在花园里 玫瑰和百合含羞带愧 只因她的光彩而自惭形秽 即使在她面前一无是处 即使我从未走进她的眼眸 即使我永远不配向她求爱 我对她的爱至死不渝 你一定听到了 我的心上人在园中歌唱 让鸟儿屏息凝神 让歌声在巷中回荡 你一定看到了 我的心上人在花园里 她的金发流光溢彩 比阳光毫不逊色