
来源: 2013-11-11 21:38:42 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

几乎所有原版录像均已被删除,本人费了很大劲才找到了一个版本。  反复看了好几遍,一字一句抄录,又反复校对了几遍,不敢有半点马虎。 除了有一两句小孩的话及最后小孩七嘴八舌的讨论没有听清楚以外,自认其他的对话尤其是吉米的原话一字不差。

我不希望这个网站被人抗议而删除此录像,请原谅我不公开网站的地址。  本人在文学城上网已四年多了,这是第二次请求置顶--这次不是因为自己有什么过人的见解,而是觉得在行动之前还原完整事实至关重要--特别是审视吉米与ABC对中国人的态度至关重要。  本人做过两年子女坛版主--说这个不是觉得自己有功劳(过错其实很多),而是请大家信任我。  本人在文学城里与很多人都有很多不同意见,但从来没有在任何事情上撒过谎。 恳请大家先放下成见,完整地看完对话,再做自己的判断。

JK: America owes china a lot of money, 1.3 trillion dollars, how should we pay them back?
Kid1: .........kill everyone in china
JK: Kill everyone in china?。。。 That's an interesting idea.

JK: Yes?
Kid2: Build a big wall around the China so they can’t come to us.
JK: You are saying build a wall in China? The huge, great kind of a wall?  That will never happen.

JK: Ally, when you owe somebody money, should you pay them back?

Kid3: Never!

JK: Well, then they won’t lend you money any more.

Kid3:  oh……that would be a big problem.

JK:  Should this country be forced to pay our own debts?
All Kids:  YES!!!!!!

JK: (facing kid1) but you just said kill everyone in China a little while ago? What happened to that?

JK: Should we allow the Chinese to live?
All kids but Kid 1:  YES!!!!

Kid1: No.

Kid4 talking to Kid 1: If we don't allow THEM to live, then they are going to try to kill US.


JK: Well this has been an interesting edition of the kids table--the lord of flies edition.