
来源: 2013-11-10 21:58:58 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

In light of the violent slaughtering of two teachers by teenage students in the week immediately after this show was broadcast, and the tragic school shootings in the country, we believe Disney/ABC's genocide-comedy skit will help incite racial hatred and violence, thus endanger our children's psychological health and physical safety in the future. Mass media's influence is immense and effective. Disney/ABC's producing and broadcasting this genocide-comedy skit is extremely irresponsible and dangerous. We urge Disney to take firm administrative measures to show their clear stance against genocide and violence towards any race, to prove they have our children's wellbeing and safety at heart. Before they do that, we will firmly BOYCOTT DISNEY, including:

*We will cancel all future trips to Disneyland, Disney World, and any other Disney amusement park in U.S., Asia, and all other continents.

*We will not purchase any products and services marketed by Disney, including but not limited to toys, clothing, movies, etc.

*We will boycott the products and services provided by all the ad sponsors of the Jimmy Kimmel Live! program.

At the budget of $2,000 each family, when 1 million families sign up, Disney will suffer a business loss of 2 billion dollars.

When 100,000 families sign up, Disney will lose 200 million dollars.

Together, let's fight against genocide and racial hatred, in hopes of achieving a bright, harmonious, and happy future for our children that Dr. Martin Luther King envisioned!

我觉得这个写的好,每个加入的都直接翻译成迪斯尼损失的收入,一旦火起来,对迪斯尼的打击远远超过游行。而且诉求写的大气,不止局限于华裔。妙的是把球踢到了迪斯尼的半场,现在该怎么办,如何show and prove, 就让迪斯尼掂量掂量办吧, 比我们直接要求道歉,然后被他们玩文字游戏更好。