
来源: 2013-11-04 06:50:01 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

2002年,美国大选后,共和党人一举夺得参众两院控制权。参议员多数党领袖Trent Lott得意至极,在参议员Strom Thurmond的百岁生日晚会上说,当年Strom Thurmond竞选总统,我们为他投票,我们很自豪。如果他当年竞选美国总统成功,美国今天面临的很多问题现在就根本不会存在。1948年, Strom Thurmond是作为支持宗族隔离,反对民权法案的党派候选人参加总统竞选的。

就为了这句话,Trent Lott面临各界巨大压力,被迫辞去参议员多数党领袖,从此淡出国家政治台面。



为了大家的方便,我草拟了一封简单的信,信后附加了参议员名单和地址链接,并附加了我们各自选区的众议员姓名和联系方法。希望各位稍微花些时间。Directory of U.S. House of Representatives: http://www.house.gov/representatives/
Directory of U.S. Senate:

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Your address
Your contact info.
November 5, 2013
Congressman/woman or Senator XXX:
Honorable Congressman/Senator XXX:
I am a Chinese American in your district in the State of XXX and I am writing to seek your support in our protest against the skit aired on ABC’s late-night talk show, which had a child suggesting that the U.S. should “kill everyone in China” to eliminate the U.S. national debt owed to China, in response to Jimmy Kimmel’s question on how the U.S. could resolve the $1.3 trillion debt owed to China.

Instead of immediately telling the child that it is wrong and immoral to even entertain such an idea, Jimmy Kimmel responded by saying that this was an interesting idea. While we understand the skit’s comic nature, we nevertheless find such remarks offensive and we especially find Jimmy Kimmel’s response and ABC’s decision to air the skit appalling and unacceptable by not only us Chinese Americans but indeed by any person of a good conscience regardless of the person’s race or origin.  


We Chinese Americans need you to take a stand on this matter which is of great important to us and we need you to speak out on our behalf in condemning such remarks and ABC’s airing of the skit. We hope we can count on you as our representative. We will continue to support you in any way we can and we wish you success in your upcoming election.
We thank you in advance for your efforts in helping us.
Sincerely yours,