转发from mitbbs, 写的非常好!

来源: zhongguoren8 2013-10-29 18:42:46 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2549 bytes)
回答: 旧金ABC山散步记实a7a82013-10-30 10:08:29


一。 写信或打电话给你们孩子的学校(给班主任homeroom teacher, 学校咨询师counselor, 校长super-intendent)。 告诉他们 你和你的孩子都感觉 十分不安:
deeply troubled, deeply upset, deeply offensed, and deeply concerned!
Jimmy 的言行给你的孩子埋下了阴影,让你的孩子失去了安全感和信任感,担心同学会take words into action. 强烈要求学校对此事展开正确的教育、讨论和咨询 (provide school-wide discussion and education against potential prejudice,hatred and discrimination based on racial differences; provide school-wide discussion and education against any form of violence, assault, or threatening people with bodily harm; provide counseling services to kids who might be deeply upset and disturbed)。有些小孩确实是是非观还很混淆,要求学校采取行动以帮助纠正这些错误的是非观。

在与学校的交流中,应该从大的种族范围来抗议,不仅仅说,这是针对中国人的offense,而要强调:Offense against one race is offense against ALL races!

A kid does not just randomly rush out words like "killing" out of nowhere. It implies certain inappropriate and negative impact from his surroundings and environments. Jimmy 不但不立即严肃阻止,反而comment" an interesting idea", 并继而suggest “Should we allow the Chinese to live?" This is totally outrageous!

在与学校的交流中,要强调:Jimmy 的言行 promote racism. 强调Jimmy的言行的不可容忍性在于其与德国ZANI的相似:Jimmy Kimmel promote prejudice, hatred of, and discrimination against a racial group, which was no difference from Nazi Germany's antisemitism "kill all the Jews." This sign of deeply entrenched discrimination, subjugation, racism, and racial violence within Jimmy Kimmel is TOTALLY unacceptable!

Please watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFHtsm1Xw0A

二。写信或打电话给你们州的议员。表达同样的concern: racisum  & voilence.
马上就是选举日了,Nov 5, 2013:

这是一个好机会,一定要把握,要让他们听到亚裔和华人的声音,不仅是为我们这一代,更是为了我们下一代;    人都是欺软怕硬的,华人常常抱着息事宁人的态度,殊不知,你退一步,人就进一步,人不把你当回事,because you are nobody, you don't even have a voice, let alone any action。我的美国同事就常说:If you don't stand up for yourself, who will? If you yourself don't care about fighting for injustice done to you, who else do you expect to?



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