婴儿防晒霜 - 维护婴幼儿嫩肤的体会

来源: 2018-08-03 10:34:03 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

My son's skin is very light with his father. This type of skin is more likely to be sunburned by the sun. The sunshine in California during the day is relatively strong, so the skin care of my son is extremely cautious.

I have read an article that mentions that 80% of sun damage in adults is caused by childhood sun damage. Although the accuracy of this statement is uncertain, it is certain that the sunscreen of the skin begins with young children.


Pediatricians in the United States recommend skin sensitivity due to newborns; infants should preferably use sunscreen after 6 months. Even after 6 months, I generally don't use adult sunscreen on my child's skin.




For this reason, I have tried almost all brands. The difference between children's sunscreen and adult sunscreen is used to find the difference between the two. Sunscreens are generally divided into two categories; physical defenses and chemical defenses: physical sunscreens contain minerals that reflect sunlight, and chemical sunscreens have the ability to absorb sunlight.


As the child weighs less, I try to reduce the amount of toxins the child is exposed to. The key ingredients in chemical sunscreens are hormones, which destroy the normal hormonal development of the child. Europe is much better at developing harmless chemical sunscreens, so I will try and collect sunscreens everywhere I go. But when I am in the United States, I will use physical sunscreen for my children. However, the texture of physical sunscreen is mostly thick and not smeared, especially when the children are impatient. It is difficult to distribute evenly on the skin.


In terms of the degree of sun protection, I have tried to use at least SPF30 or above, ideally SPF50. There are many studies in the United States that show that more than 30 SPFs do not provide additional benefits. However, let's assume that if you follow the instructions, you need to use a full recommendation of about 2 scoops. I don't know how others feel; I have never painted so many sunscreens at once. I will choose a higher SPF product. I also read a scientific paper that actually tested the effective SPF of various sunscreens and found that it did not provide as much protection as they said. All in all, there should be nothing wrong with using a higher sun protection index.




Physical sunscreen is my first choice:



Physical sunscreens differ from chemical sunscreens in that they primarily contain minerals (zinc) that reflect the sun's rays. The downside is the thick texture of these mineral sunscreens, which are difficult for adults to paint, not to mention the children who are alive and kicking.

This Cotz Children's Sunscreen is one of the few that is easy to apply. Cotz is available in two children's models; allergic and child-specific. Both are very useful. Most importantly it has dermatologist testing and child-specific. I also use it myself.



My favorite physical sunscreen Cotz



Cotz's shortcomings: it's not available anywhere, so the second choice is Aveeno Baby Continuous Protection Lotion Sunscreen, Sensitive Skin, SPF 50 and California Baby Calendula


Of course, in addition to this Copperstone Baby sunscreen, it can also be considered. It is a foam texture that makes it very easy to apply. Although chemical sunscreens are not perfect, they are better than no sunscreen.


In general, I insist on using sunscreens labeled "baby baby" because it usually does not contain "fragrance". Although “perfume” is converted into an odor, it has different definitions in the skin care industry. The “fragrance” ingredient is considered a trade secret, so the FDA does not specify the actual meaning of “perfume”. As a result, many companies classify many hazardous chemicals under “perfume” so that they do not have to be reported in the ingredient list.



Another option I personally use is Supergoop Super Power Moisturizing Mousse. It doesn't bubble like Copperstone sunscreen, but it's also a good choice when kids want to rush out and have nothing else to offer.



Some other notes about children's sunscreen:


I also don't use spray sunscreen. The spray vapor is inhaled and enters the lungs.


Although I am an avid consumer of organic and natural products, I will not use such skin care products for my children. Because organic and natural products usually use a lot of seeds and nut oil, my daughter is allergic to nuts. This is very noteworthy for children with similar situations.



A mother with a double degree in MIT | Sharing science and childcare experience | Women's growth experience |

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