Have you seen an allergist? My son had really bad reflux and wa

来源: 2016-02-01 17:14:16 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

He also had bad eczema on his face.  At 15 months, the pediatrician sent us to an allergist and my son was tested allergic to corn(anything corn related, corn syrup, corn starch, etc), oatmeal and tree nuts. Even though he was tested negative to dairy with skin and blood test, the allergist put him on Similac Alimentum Ready to feed(has to be the liquid and not the powder) which is the only formula with milk protein broken down.  We also stopped giving him anything with dairy in it and his reflux and eczema both went away.  He's 21 months now and still on the Alimentum but we are trying to transition him off of it and on to goat milk instead which he hasn't shown any bad reaction to.  Another thing that seems to helped is putting Culturelle in his water.  Not sure if your baby is too young for it but the nutrionist we saw suggested it.