It's just a phase

来源: elian 2015-09-25 17:33:16 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (629 bytes)
回答: 楼下妈妈说的俺这两天好有感触绿野蚂蚁2015-09-25 15:55:45

Won't be too long. My daughter is getting much better now at three and eight months. She still gets cranky at the end of the day sometimes.

A brownie or Hostese cupcake can fix it. Actually it improves a lot since she started this full time montessori preschool. It teaches social skills.

Her manners till need improvement though. This child is born assertive, needs a lot autonomy. Our violin practice goes well too. Repetition does works. Lots lots of repetitions lead to Carnegie Hall.

Remember, children change. Be patient. Time changes everything.


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