
来源: 2015-02-08 10:59:15 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:






Mindy T. answers from Stormville

It is normal for children to crave companionship and outdoor adventure rather than playing alone all day. Give him time with his friends, but let him know what the limits are and that you cannot spend the entire day, every day, supervising him outside. At 4, if he is not yet in preschool, I would enroll him for some social time with friends, and invite other kids over for playdates. There needs to be a middle ground, and even if he asks for more outside time than you can manage, just let him know when a good time will be and remind him of your other responsibilities. It's up to you to set limits.



Erika C. answers from L.A.

Of course! He is a 4 year old boy! Great that he gets to run, run, run. You can still require that he sit to eat. Don't beg, just require he sit to eat - whenever he eats. He has to sit at the eating table, on his bottom, facing the table. If he doesn't, he doesn't eat. Give him regular food, lots of water, fresh fruit and vegetables. Enjoy! He is not rejecting you or saying he doesn't want to spend time with you. Try to figure out what is making you mad - it's something you need to work on, it will make your life and his a lot nicer!



Anna Lee B. answers from New York

Thank God. Instead of wanting to sit in front of TV or playing video games. Fresh air, activity I wouldn't curb it I'd endorse it. As far as dinnertime, just tell him he can play till his hearts desire but at 6pm he is in having dinner. Tell him if he doesn't comply, the next day he'll have to come in a 1/2 hour earlier. He'll agree.

来自美国 斯卡斯代尔的Hilary

你应该往好处想。孩子喜欢在户外玩不是挺好的嘛!可以释放精力,呼吸新鲜空气。你难道还希望他成天呆在家里看电视和玩电子游戏吗?你觉得孩子不能成天都在外面跑,这我完全可以理解你。听起来你的孩子一玩起来就忘了吃晚饭!或许你可以尝试下“10分钟警告法”, 你可以告诉他,亲爱的,10分钟内我要你进屋吃晚饭,然后过5分钟后,再提醒他一次,到点后,他就需要进屋来吃晚饭了。

Hilary P. answers from Scarsdale

You should count your blessings. Playing outside is wonderful. Good use of energy. Getting fresh air. Would you prefer he be couch potato and play videogames all day?! I do understand that there are times when he needs to come inside. Sounds like he is having a hard time transitioning from fun play to boring things like dinner! Maybe you can try doing the 10 minute warning as in "sweetie, in 10 minutes, I'll need you to come inside for dinner." Then give him a 5 minute warning and then he needs to come inside with you.





Beth answers from Evans

count your blessings!

He could be one of those kids that want to do nothing but sit and play video games.

him going outside means he will be healthier than other kids.

Not wanting to come inside for dinner is NORMAL.

You might try getting him to help fix dinner, giving a "job" during dinner prep.




Erica M. answers from Punxsutawney

I'd be happy my child wanted to play outside rather than sit inside all day veggin infront of the tv or video games.

Anyway, you have to be a parent. Tell him he may go play, but when you tell him it's time to come home, it's just that. There's to be no whining, no fits, no asking for an extension, etc. If he does, then he's done playing with the friends for X amount of time until he can learn to respect your authority.


美国妈妈普遍认为,孩子喜欢在外面玩,其实没什么不好,这总比他成天猫在家里看电视打电玩要好吧。至于孩子玩得忘了吃饭,美国妈妈觉得,应该给他规定好吃饭的时间,告诉他,到了那个点,他就必须进屋吃饭。如果他不听,你可以适当给他些小的惩罚,比如,缩短他和小伙伴玩耍的时间,直到他学会尊重你的权威。你还可以尝试下“10分钟警告法”, 你可以告诉他,亲爱的,10分钟内我要你进屋吃晚饭,然后过5分钟后,再提醒他一次,到点后,你就把他领进屋吃饭。来自美国埃文思的Beth还为中国妈妈提供了更好的建议,让孩子帮着准备晚餐,当你在厨房里忙得不可开交的时候让他做你的小助手。

来源 米妈妈博客