Moms' beauty tips

来源: 2015-01-27 06:24:40 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

不知道是什么原因,我们这层楼上有个2nd change room,里面有俩toilet 和三个 shower stands。原来真心没觉得有啥,还心想,运动完在健身房洗澡多省事,上来要自己带浴巾,麻烦不?


今天早上我正忙着往自己脸上折腾呢,外面冲进来一个同事, 一边换衣服一边跟我唠叨:

" My son wanted to flush the toilet this morning but I did myself."

" Awww, and his mother wasn't in trouble?"

" I was!!! and it was a deep trouble! That's where my whole morning went. Now I have to do my hair here."

我抬头看了看她那一头天生的小卷,无限同情ing, " Well, at least we have blow dryer and flat iron stocked here."

" You know YMCA downstairs got an iron and iron board, right?"
" Really? They do?"
" Yeah.  I didn't notice the wrinkles on my shirt until I got here. In a sheer panic, I remembered it and rushed to YMCA. Here they were, a stream iron and a iron board. Saved my day, LOL".

唉,曾经也是每天早上折腾半天才出门上班的人,现在都沦落到这地步了. 我都没好意思告诉她,有两天早上,我是跑单位来洗得澡(其实现在大部分时间是锻炼完在gym洗澡了,给家里省水了,还自己找了个好理由--一天洗两遍澡,偶皮肤实在是受不了).
