
来源: 2020-03-25 21:15:11 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


美国的疫情扩散, 缺乏口罩和其它医疗产品, 却看到新闻里的照片, 美国人为中国捐献的口罩却被倒卖回美国, 那些口罩箱上还贴着 ‘武汉加油’,这个结局早在我2月份的贴里 https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/kghy/3269382.html 不幸而言中了。


再看看普通的美国人, 是如何守望相助的。 所在的小区给全体居民送了电子邮件, 希望小区居民帮助小区的那个Beach Club 所属酒吧的伺应生, 因为他/她们虽然有基本工资, 但那是最低的工资, 主要靠小费。。。短短 1 星期, 就筹到了 $50,000 , 真正体现了普通美国人的善心。


这个社区酒吧背靠泳池, 面对湖边摇戈的棕榈, 坐在那里, 与心爱的人一起共进午餐, 那种天光云影共俳徊的意境只有身临其境才能。。。



Homeowners reached out to ask how they could financially help our full time team that relies on gratuities during these uncertain & scary times and wow, thank you for your support! We have raised over $50K at this time. You have all been so generous!  

We are encouraging homeowners to continue supporting our takeout food efforts daily and we thank you for your support so far. 

This Go Fund Me account is to help our team that relies on gratuities.  The rest of the full time staff at the Beach Club will continue to receive their regular pay as of right now.