i had a lunch the other day with a longtime friend

来源: 2018-08-05 19:59:00 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

who is one of the pioneers in the field of AI.

He said something similar as yours -"科技创新,本来是为了提高生产效率,解决人的生存,生活问题,让人生活更有保障,更安全,更幸福" but it's a shame that the results of our progress in technology have been used to widen the gap of the "have" and "have not".  He think we need to work toward:

1. Sustainability of our life style

2. Set limit on the gap of the highest and the lowest salaries

3. Free education, free health care, and universal basic income. Yes, we have enough money to do so, if we are not so    polarized.

4. Less working hrs., more leisure time.

But, i am more worried about if we can't resolve our differences peacefully as human beings, a war could destroy everything before such a society become a reality.