The dumbest question I've ever been asked.....

来源: 2016-09-22 11:14:57 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

那天晚上送女儿去上一门课,出来时顺口问了一句, so you had fun?
她转过脸,很漠然的盯着我看了好一会, 然后说了一大通,

This is the dumbest question I've ever been asked. Who says learning is fun! You didn't see xxx(她哥哥) got up every morning with smile on his face and happily went to school, right? He groaned every morning when he had to drag him out of bed.....

然后又抱怨数学老师说话有accent, 虽然 her English is very good among Chinese people, but still has accent. 说她之所以没选择中文学校的班,就是因为不想听有accent的英语,想不到这个班老师也有accent, blah,blah,blah......

都怪去年桂林之行没给她留下好印象,现在几乎走向全面否定中国 :-)