zt--来自中坛: 老婆不让

来源: 方齐 2011-03-22 09:17:38 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1531 bytes)
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据新浪科技报道,上海一男子在购买iPad后迫于妻子的压力选择退货,但苹 果最终决定把这台平板电脑送给他。

据报道,一名男子在寄还的iPad 上附带一张纸条,上面写着“老婆不让” (Wife said no)。苹果员工为之捧腹。

这家科技巨头的两名副总裁听说了这件事,并展现了他们的幽默感:他们决定把这台iPad 2送给这名男子,并附带一直纸条,上面写着“苹果让”(Apple said yes)。

这个幽默的结局也充满了戏剧性。据苹果员工内部透露,第2天这家店收到同一男子的特快专递,里面又是一张纸条:2nd milk said wants an extra。




Man's Wife Says No To An iPad 2, Apple Says Yes

Here's an adorable story from MacRumors about a man returning an iPad .

Apple keeps track of why people return iPads, sticking post it notes on the returned iPad with the reason.

A source close to Apple says an iPad 2 came back with a post it note that said, "Wife said no." This amused Apple employees.

Eventually, two Apple VPs heard about it, and decided to send the iPad back to the man with a post it note that read, "Apple said yes."


铁老大刘志军该买N个Ipad2给2nd milk, 3rd milk, 4th milk,... -guangsu- 给 guangsu 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/22/2011 postreply 09:50:47

老婆猛于虎啊... -季襄- 给 季襄 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/22/2011 postreply 10:09:24

连苹果都畏惧三分,赶紧送~ -寒风雪- 给 寒风雪 发送悄悄话 寒风雪 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/22/2011 postreply 10:17:34



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