
来源: 2024-02-20 07:48:55 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

我直接写得英文,字有点多,我觉得翻译是件抓狂的事, 英文中文写起来完全是不同的思维,要么直接写中文, 我用google traslation翻译,意思没错,中文可能会有点笑话.

对于偶尔错过闹钟的人来说,灵活的工作时间是一个优势。对于一个不那么自律的人来说,这是一种诅咒。像我一样,我以前不习惯这样,现在看来拖延症已经让我很糟糕了。有了周围的便利设施,我把这种偶然性变成了常态。我讨厌它,但无法克服它。我想我甚至没有尝试去克服它。我不介意晚走,只是不能早到。 所以我决定坐公交车。公共汽车的时间表可以迫使我准时。我已经这样做了一个星期,到目前为止我对这个决定感到非常高兴。上车前和下车后每趟步行时间约为30分钟。所以每天一个小时的徒步锻炼。在某些时候,某些巴士服务会被视为特殊服务 - 无需付费。我很高兴搭乘这些免费乘车服务。 我还发现乘坐巴士的其他好处,您将在下面看到......。我已经沿着这条路线开车十多年了,无法计算我错过了多少兴奋。现在我可以把双手从方向盘上解放出来,环顾四周,捕捉瞬间和场景......

Going to work with flexible hours is an advantage to whom occasionally missed the alarm clock. To someone not so self-disciplined is a curse. Like me, I was not used to be like this, now seemed procrastination has got me badly. With all the amenities around I turned this occasionality into regularity. I hated it but could not overcome it. I don't think I even have the nerve to try to overcome it. I don't mind to stay late just can't come in early.

 So I decided to take bus. The buses have schedules that can force me to be punctual. I have done this for a week and can't be happier to the decision so far. There is also about 30mins walking for each single trip before getting on and after getting off the bus. So an hour's hiking exercise everyday. At certain times some bus services are put as special - no payment required. I am having fun to catch these free rides.

 I also find other benefits from bus riding, you shall see below... ... . I have been driving along this route over 10 years, can't count how much excitment I missed.  Now I can free my hands from the steering wheel, look around and capture moments and scenes.....


1. The morning blue hour, as days getting longer I can walk into the golden hours someday.
2. Got off the bus, walked by the creek I have been passing for years , twice a day. The reflection of sunlight on the water surface is attractive.
3. The same creek, at different time of a day, different lighting condition
4. Can you see a duck in the front? there are more waterfowls from the far end.
6. I am always curious about this barn, pass it twice a day, never see anyone in and out, how do they make living with this old handcraft. They seemed doing well.
7. Want to take a guess in where this photo was taken?
8. Sunset evening of the train station
9. A gloomy day after snow fall, the same train station.
10.A gloomy day after snow fall, the same train station.
11. A sunset evening
12. A typical winter day in Canada
13. Canadian knows the best on how to deal with snow dump.
14. Evening lights on, home time
15. One day you ran into the gloom
16. Another day, on the same road same time of the day, you ran towards sunset.
17. In a photographic term, the times of the day is called the Blue Hour, You got that?
18. The blue hours happen twice a day. Dawn & Dusk
19. Flood control trench.
20. I feel peaceful for this one.
21. You never know, could encounter something like this on the bus. 
22. Adorable
23. More to come... ...
