see how the Japan kill dolphin

来源: 2005-04-02 18:38:54 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
see how the Japan kill dolphins(picture)

You can put: "Japan kill dolphin" in google and find these links showing their brutality and animal behavoir..............


Just as the U.S. government is now poised to allow dolphin-deadly tuna to be labeled "dolphin safe" (see dolphin-safe campaign) regulators in Japan are allowing dolphin meat to be falsely labeled as "whale". As noted, this allows sellers to charge "caviar" prices and has fueled an increase in dolphin kills within Japan. Greenpeace Foundation suspects that dolphin meat is increasingly being imported into Japan from elsewhere as well, and believes that time is short to stop a growing industry which could rob the international seas of dolphins just as they have been robbed of whales.

The order of magnitude of the kill seems to be 100,000 dolphins per year or - probably - much higher. No one is counting the total tonnage sold at this point and this may be a vast underestimate. (This IS the same national industry which successfully conspired with the USSR to launder millions of pounds of illegal whalemeat through its markets - see the Whaling Campaign)

We support consumer initiatives to strengthen labeling laws in Japan and let the Japanese consumer know of the marketing fraud which is driving the increased kills, even in the face of an emerging appreciation for living dolphins among many in Japan. We are supporting work to develop DNA techniques which can quickly monitor compliance with labeling laws. In addition, we continue our call of many years to bring small cetaceans under the management of the International Whaling Commission, which - while far from being perfect - would be better than no international regulation at all.