
来源: hhtt 2018-02-12 06:35:59 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (708 bytes)
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If GE stock does not drop to $13, you won't buy it?  I hope that you have read my posts about investment, it is a long term process, not flipping.  During 2008 financial crisis, I started buying Bank of America stock when it was $42 since it was at $55 and it had already dropped 23%.  Eventually, the stock dropped to $2.51 intra-day in March 2009.  Did I lose money, NO!  because I had bought the BAC stock all the way to $3.11.  The stock is at around $30 today.  Bottomline is that on one knows when a particular stock will reach the bottom.  But if you have a long horizon, it does not really matter if you did not buy the stock at the very bottom.


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