Here is my previous post about investment for retirement.

来源: hhtt 2018-03-04 23:22:50 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1332 bytes)
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In the current volatile market, I would suggest you to leave your cash in 6month or 1yr CDs for now.  You need to wait for an entry point to get into stock market and bond market.  The entry point will be either a recession or a correction.  Usually a correction is the broad market down 10%, but in the current market condition, I would say that a correction is the broad market down 15 to 20%.  If you want to put the money into the market, you can put the money into the market with a dollar cost average method. 

When investing in bond or bond funds, you need to pay attention to the duration, you should only invest in bond funds with < 1.5 year duration because we are going through the rate normalization process.  Federal Reserve Bank is going to raise the rates several times this year.  If you invest in a bond fund with the duration of 6 years and the yield 3%, you will make 3% return and lose 6% when the rate going up 1% which is very likely this year, your total return for the bond investment will be -3%.  Good luck.

