You don't understand

来源: 2005-06-02 14:37:46 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
marriage is a commitment. It is for better and for worse. Maybe marriage to you is a advantage. I can understand that people divorce for other reasons, but this reason is very rare. You know, everybody said that star's marriage is unstable. But you can see Drew barrymore married his exhu*****and after finding out he had cancer. Also, you know singer Kelly Morou's boyfriend (that french actor)is marrying her after she removed her breast. For you, those people must be idiots, right? So, according to you, Superman's wife should divorce him right afte he falled from horse, right? COme on, those are stars, they are divorcing all the time. Why don't they leave their sick spouse to get a better life for themselves.