
来源: 2015-11-24 21:38:23 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

It matters in two cases below:

  1. TN 工作结束时, 开车离开美国, 但美国CBP website上的 I94卡上没有出境记录, 美国CBP认为我非法滞留美国. 将来有麻烦.-In your case, you will reenter US and thus, you will get the new I-94 arrival record (the status record will be re-counted). So, you don't have 非法滞留美国 problem.

  2. 报税要用在美国的天数. 并且要填写出入美国日期. 但CBP website上 的出入美国日期错了. 美国认为我造假.-You have worked in US and got the salary, so you have to pay the tax no matter how long you stay in US. Why do you care about a few days of stay outside US? Don't think you can save significant money by just not ocunting the days you are out of US.