
来源: 2023-08-11 16:30:41 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

1)勾选Part 2, 1.d. 对不对?

2)Part 3, Box 1: 这里如果放未来6个月某个时间,那如果过了这个时间,还没有批准,是不是这份申请就作废了,要重新再申请一次? 听说现在回美证处理很慢,有的申请人绿卡都收到了,回美证都还没消息,当然也没有用了。 


3)Part 7, on a separate sheet, 还要解释为什么符合回美证的资格,这怎么写啊, 有没有范文参考?

不需要写。part 7说“(See instructions.)”;你有没有see instructions?instructions第10页说:

c. Advance Parole Document for Individuals Who Are Currently in the United States
If you are in the United States, you must attach:
(1) A copy of any document issued to you by USCIS showing your present status, if any, in the United States; and
(2) An explanation or other evidence showing the circumstances that warrant issuance of an Advance Parole
Document; or
(3) If you are an applicant for adjustment of status, a copy of a USCIS receipt as evidence that you filed the
adjustment application; or

这里的“or”就说明第(2)-(5)项里只需要其中一个就行。你是I-485(Adjustment of Status)申请者,所以有了I-485收据(第(3)项)就不需要写解释(第(2)项)。如果I-131是跟I-485同时递交,连I-485收据都不用。

4)Part 8,父母年纪都大了,不需要工卡,这里就都不填 ?

这只适用于operation allies welcome的人,跟你无关。填no就行。
