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回答: 请教8老师和其他老师一些父母移民问题dfrdfr2023-03-27 07:32:54

1. 如果境外申请,130 批准转到NVC后最长可以隔多久必须交下一步的材料,

- Case by case. NVC will contact you for the documents and fee and send you instruction.


-Your parents need to file DS 260 immigrant visa application within one year from the date NVC send you the instruction for the documents and fee.

2. 130 批准后是发信还是email给我,还是父母?

-USCIS will mail the I-130 Approval Notice to you.


-NVC will email you, not your parents.

我在填表时能把mailing address填我的美国地址吗,

-Yes, you can use your address as your parents's mail address. In the I-130, you need to put your parents' address in China as their "Beneficiary's Physical Address" in Part 4, Item 11.c. to 11.h.; and you can put your address in "Other Address and Contact Information" in Part 4, Item 12.a. to 14..



-It needs to be less than 6 months, so you had better not do it until you get the NVC instruction or get the interview appoinment notice.


谢谢8老师! -dfrdfr- 给 dfrdfr 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/27/2023 postreply 11:59:26
