
来源: 2019-04-10 08:02:15 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


1. J1豁免材料以及递出,在等。J2现在可以申请EAD吗?-Yes.会jeprodize waiver吗?-No.

2. J2没有申请ead,正在等豁免然后转H1b, 和老板说了想先在实验室做volunteer,没想到volunteer手续这么多,有背景和学位审核还有体检,就像是一份正式工作一样,还有合同,合同上注明了不付工资,还给了一个title : research scholor, 都通过了要去human resource 报道,我接受了这个volunteer会影响我以后申请绿卡485吗?-You cannot do this volunteer before you get EAD because it is counted as employment even if you do not get paid. 会说我用了不能工作的签证工作了吗?

3.我们这几年因为没有工资,就没有报税,请问我们应不应该报税?-Not need to file income tax return because you do not have income or income lower than the threshold set by IRS for income tax return filing.