
来源: 2018-12-17 15:19:35 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

谢谢老师给过的关于姐姐办移民的解答,因为姐姐以前只办了亲属公证,所以我需要让姐姐在国内再准备一份出生公证, 国内办个公证不容易,不想再出错,所以万请老师帮忙核实一下。

1。姐姐出生公证需要包括她的:a. 出生日期,b. 出生地,c 我们父母的名字,-Yes.

d.. 至于她的ID,身份证号可以吗?-Not have to have this.


2. 以前姐姐在国内办的亲属公证还附上吗?-Just provide it also (not hurt anything, anyway).

3.我的出生公证很详细, 但出生地在另外一份公证里,要重办一份出生公证,把二者合在一起吗?还是一起递交即可。
-The birth certificate must include: date of birth, place of birth and parents' names. If yours does have all of these, you need to re-do it.

4.我提供的文件包括:出生公证和美国护照,还需要公民纸等其他文件吗?-Not have to. Either the copy of Certificate of Naturalization or passport is enough.

5. 交了移民申请后,会影响今后旅游签证的申请吗?-Should not, but need to tell the truth when applying for the B2 visa.
