
来源: 863211 2018-11-13 20:40:59 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1604 bytes)
回答: 请教8老师一个签证延期的问题逍遥的射手座2018-11-13 19:45:25
8老师,您好!我今年4月6日为父母申请了延期(B2),延期至12月10日。(I-94上的日期是批准停留至6月13日)。今天(11月13日)我收到了被拒的Decision信,其理由是我父母已与6月10日离境,但是我父母根本就没有离开。由于迟迟收不到Decision,我9月份直接给他们买了12月9日回国的机票,现在距离他们离开还有不到一个月。Decision信中说,你可以通过Form I-290申诉,但是申诉费用要$675。我在犹豫到底要不要花这个冤枉钱,因为等他们收到申诉再处理这个案子,我父母应该早就走了。不过我又担心这样做会影响下一次的入境。请问我该怎么办呢?谢谢
-Don't think they need to waste money to file I-290B Because the case was denied, your parents' 10-year visa has been void. So, they need to apply for a new visa to enter US in the future. If they can leave within one month, it should not affect their new visa application and reenter US in the future. When they apply for the new B2 visa in the future, they need to provide the I-539 Receipt Notice (i.e. the B2 extension receipt) and the extension Denial Notice, and explain to the VO that they stayed in US a couple of weeks after the extension application denial because they needed some time to plan the travel back to China (may show the copy of the air ticket to prove they purchased the air ticket in September for returning to China in early December, i.e. they did not intend to overstay in US).