
来源: 2018-09-19 11:03:41 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



现考虑给小孩办理绿卡,其中一条途径是:我在美 file I-130表,小孩在中国境内等移民签证。

表A所列日期(批准排期,即有签证名额的排期)F2A,CHINA-mainland born是22JUL16,即: 如果每月排期前进一个月的话,小孩要在中国大约要等两年两个月才能拿到移民签证?

很久以前请教过您相关的问题,您的回复是“you can file I-130 for your child to get the immigration visa”。“Your child I-130 does not need to get the immigration visa quote, so it is different from regular F2A. That means your child may get the immigration visa within one year like a US citizen immediate relative.”这个节省时间的途径,能请您介绍一下流程和如何操作吗?需要填什么表格 和准备材料 ? 我们想采用。
-Probably I thought you were a US citizen at that time. Because you a green card holder now, then your child has 排期, so just ignore my previous response

已file I-130表,小孩在中国境内等移民签证期间,有什么方式能入境美国探亲?能否持原有的B-2签证(十年有效期, 多次)入境美国?(感觉好像不可以。因为B-2是非移民签证,不能有移民倾向。而此时小孩已在等移民签证阶段。 入境时 CBP是否会找麻烦 ? 我们不确定。)
-If asked, you can epxplain to the IO that your child will return to China to apply for the immigrant visa, not file I-485 in US.

