
来源: 2018-08-17 16:20:48 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

13. Have you ever called yourself a ''nonresident'' on a Federal, state or local tax return?
是否在税表上自称过 "nonresident"?-

10年前, 我第二年filling tax, 我去了b 洲工作, 都住在酒店,偶尔飞回自己家,  我federal 是resident 。state tax 我现在 发现我的CPA file B 洲的是nonresident。 如果我 N400 表上写non-resdient, 会不会有问题啊? 
-Then, you need to explain it why you called yourself as non-resident in that state. Normally it should not affect your application.