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老师您好, 最近那个申请福利会导致公民申请被拒的问题让我们有点担心。 我的情况是2012年拿的绿卡, 从2013,我们一直买的obamacare 健康保险,家庭收入不高,超过200-250%的poverty level, 每月的premium 有subsidy, 每年报税的时候也填那个 premium tax credit 请问像我们这种情况,现在可以尽快申请公民吗?,或等新政策出台后再看看, 多谢 多谢了
-I don't think you will have any problem for use of some kind of benefits of ObamaCare, especially you work in US and pay the tax all the time. President Trump just have such a kind of proposal, but in reality, the IO will take all of factors in consideration when they determine whether a non US citizen is subjected to public charge. So, don't worry too much. Whether you need to apply for the US citizenship depends on whether you really want to.


1)。在N-400 线申请好还是邮寄好,
-Up to you. It is very convenient to do it online.

document lists 说,人在国外的要照片,人在美国的需要照片吗,-No.

2) 太太英语不好, 英语通不过算不算拒?-She needs to pass the test both English and civil tests. Both tests are very easy.

3)网上说有新政策,如果拒了直接送回国了,这个是真的, 还是传说中?-Some people, especially some of the China-born immigrant lawyers, always exaggerate the situation to scare people. So, you may just ignore this kind of information.    



多谢8 老师, 经后有问题再请教。 -sunny1280888- 给 sunny1280888 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/12/2018 postreply 05:16:46
