
来源: 863211 2018-08-10 16:04:31 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5505 bytes)
回答: 请教8老师:父母绿卡申请填表问题hoydenish2018-08-10 14:00:17


Other name: 是要空着还是填“none”?-Leave it blank.

Page 3, part 2, Item28,29: 父母的 country of residence应该填美国还是中国啊?-China. Your country of residence is where you have been normally resident for the last three years and where you consider to be 'home'. If you have been in another country for purposes of education, short-term visiting or short-term employment this will not change your country of residence.
父母现在用B2 visa在美国 

Page 6, part 4, Item33: 第3,4,5个Beneficiary person是空着还是填“na”啊?-Leave it blank.

Page 7, part 4, Item52: 父母已经退休了,填Retired,那么在“Date Employment Begin”那里要填吗?这个问题I-485也要填。

签名是在家签了就行吗?-Yes. 不需要公证吧?-No.



Page 5, Part 5, Employment History. 父母都退休5年以上了,“Date Employment Began”怎么填?-Just fill "Not  applicable" in the "Name of Employer"  of "Employer 1" part and leave the others blank.


Part 3, Item 1: 如果Part 7, Item1那里勾选more than one trip. 那Part 3, Item1这里应该怎么填呢?填最近的一次计划出行时间吗?-Yes. Just estimate a date about two to three months later (after the AP is approved).


Part 3, Item 4: Family Member 1. 在给父亲的表格上要填母亲作为Family member吗?-No. 然后在母亲的表格上要填父亲吗?-No. 还是都不填?-Yes

Part5, 计算家庭人数的时候要不要把父母算进去?-Yes. 父亲的表格上是不是应该把母亲算一个人填在Item 5?这样我们一家4口算上父亲作为pricinple immigrant, 母亲作为other dependent,
-Your parents ae not a dependent each other under your sponsor. The two cases are independent each other.

算下来我们一家一共6个人。如果不填母亲作为other dependent,那么我们一家5口人。应该怎么填呢?
-Put "1" in Item# 6 of Part 5 in each I-864, thus your total household members will be 6 in each I-864.. 




多谢8老师,再问一下 -hoydenish- 给 hoydenish 发送悄悄话 (39 bytes) () 08/12/2018 postreply 17:41:31
