
来源: 863211 2018-08-10 12:51:49 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1086 bytes)
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回答: 8老师,请教一个公民申请的问题frank_us2018-08-09 21:17:32
8老师您好, 最近那个申请福利会导致公民申请被拒的问题让我有点担心。 我的情况是2013年拿的绿卡, 从2014年开始给小孩买了一个child-only 的 health insurance, 是在obamacare 的market place 买的。 由于 家庭收入超过400%的poverty level, 每月的premium 没有任何subsidy, 每年报税的时候也没有填那个 premium act credit 请问像我这种情况会被认为是使用了福利吗? 多谢 多谢了
-Not at all! Everyone who lives in US can purchase ObamaCare which is just like any other health insurance company/provider. But if you have lower income than 400% of the poverty line, you may get the Government subsidy, and this kind of subsidy may be considered as public charge if you are not a US citizen. Because you did not get the Government subsidy, you of course did not have public charge. Just like everyone can purchase food in a food store, and you use your own money and some people with low income may use the Government-offered food stamp.


多谢回复 -frank_us- 给 frank_us 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/10/2018 postreply 14:02:16


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