
来源: 2018-03-07 21:18:58 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:




我跟律师讨论了下一步的方案,我们初步觉得会重新file一个H1b的extension的申请,因为我已经有approved的EB2的I-140,不需要抽签,办理Premium Process. 现在开始贴广告,要两周,然后file申请, 2周出结果. 这样大概四周就能出结果了. 律师跟我提到,去年的4月到10月, H1b的extension的申请是不被受理的(我猜是忙着新的H1b的处理吧). 

我最近回国去,等H1b的申请批准了之后再签H1b的签证回来.-It is fine, and also it is a good choice.


1. 因为我回国签证几乎每次都会被check,要一个月以上. 等我拿到H1b,再去签证,这个周期长达2个多月. 公司在想能不能减少这个时间.

我能否立刻回国用H4签证回来(应该也会被check的,一个月之后可以回来). 然后美国这边H1b的申请继续办着.等我回来之后, 如果H1b的申请批准了, 我能再美国境内转H1b的身份吗?
-You only have two choices: 1. Go to China to get the H-4 visa to come back and then, ask your employer to file I-129 for H-1 petition, i.e. change H-4 to H-1, using premium processing; 2. ask the employer to file a new H-1 petition using premium processing, then go to China to get the H-1 visa to come back (the H-1 approval will have no I-94, and that is why you have to go to China to get the H-1 visa to come back) or you leave US now, then ask the employer to file H-1 petition for you, then after the H-1 is approved, ask the employer to send the H-1 approval notice to you for H-1 visa application.



-Yes. You have to wait for the H-1 approval to work. 