Read the official civil document requirement

来源: st.paul 2018-02-27 21:30:49 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2360 bytes)
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没有要求身份证号码. 1996年以后出生的需要"医学出生证" 或者"医学出生证公证书". 那种根据户口簿或者派出所证明的"出生证公证书" 被视为次级证据 (没有原始的出生文件). 如果是1996之前出生的, "出生证公证书"一般没有问题, 有没有身份证号码都可以.

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Original medical certificates of birth (Chu Sheng Yi Xue Zheng Ming) are available starting from 1996. Also available are notarial birth certificates, which are secondary evidence. Due to the lack of a standardized format for birth certificates prior to 1996, original medical certificate of birth (when available) along with a notarial certificate of birth should be requested.  Notarial certificates of birth (Chu Sheng Gong Zheng Shu or Chu Sheng Zheng Ming Shu) for persons living in or recently departed from China are generally reliable, but are best used in conjunction with other evidence. They are most often based upon an HHR, (Household Record) which is easily susceptible to fraud, especially in villages. Notarial birth certificates for persons long departed from China are most likely based merely upon the testimony of interested parties.

While some notarial birth certificates will list stepparents or adoptive parents along with natural parents, this is not always the case. In some cases, the certificates will list only the natural parents, covering up an adoption.

Some applicants will present notarial certificates of relationship (Guan Xi Gong Zheng [or Zheng Ming] Shu) in lieu of notarial birth certificates. These certificates of relationship are unreliable and tend to be based solely upon the testimony of interested parties. Notarial birth certificates should be required. Care should be taken with any certificate that lists step relationships. These relationships are as of the date of issuance of the certificate only. Marriage certificates should also be required.



非常有用,太感谢了。 -alpha123- 给 alpha123 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/28/2018 postreply 06:51:31


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