
来源: 2018-01-15 07:29:32 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

一个泰国老太太,63岁,十九的时候嫁到美国。 辗转这么多年,什么都没有。 不评论她的生活怎样一团糟,为人有很大问题。  现在看她可怜,帮问一下:

她有绿卡,可是丢了。驾照几年前因为什么原因被吊销了。 出生证明丢了。 护照丢了。 孩子们都长大成家在外州,都不要她。没什么存款。 

她在本州工作(在餐馆打工),去年退休,现在每个月$610退休金。全身上下 只有SSN卡和另一个州的state ID .  

她想在本州一直待下去。  请问:

她应该是能申请入籍了。 怎么入籍呢?
-File N-400 following the N-400 Instructions. 

在准备入籍之前需要必须补些什么证件才可以? (我觉得必须先补绿卡,可是她坚持说补绿卡还需要几百, 不如直接入籍。这可能吗?)
-There is no law to require that the applicant has to have the physical green card when applying for the US citizenship though USCIS recommend the applicant files I-90 to get the green card replacement in her case. So, it is fine for her to file N-400 without getting the replacement of the green card. But she has to have the state driver license/ID card (her ID card of another state will not work). So, this will be a problem because she may have to have to have the green card to get the state driver license or ID card.


-These two documents are not required for the US citizenship application.