
来源: 2018-01-08 19:18:38 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



1. 我父母07/10/2017 B2入境洛杉矶。他们的I-94于01/09/2018到期。本来打算今天给他们的绿卡申请表寄出明天收到排队。但看来今天可能表格填不好了。我的问题是:我应该赶快给他们填张B2延期表快递上去还是等这周I-485填好后只申请身份转换就可以了,无需签证延期?
-Just file I-485 and do nothing else.

2. I-485, 我父母于10年前就退休了。Part 3, Item 19: Most recently employment指的是他们退休前的工作单位-Yes.


4. 我父亲是党员, I-485: Part8, item 1 选yes对吗?-Yes. Part8, item 2,3,4就直接写他的党组织机构的信息,对吗? -Correct.

             Part8, Item 56 也选yes,对吗?-Right.

            这两项的解释都是写在Part4上,-What do you mean in Part 4? 而且同样的解释,可以吗?-Your father needs to write a statement in a separate paper explaining why he joined the Party (e.g. employment, promotion, etc.), what kind of Party activities he participated in (e.g. routine Party group activities, paid membership fee, etc.), and whether he is still the Party member now. If no, when he quit the Party.

-Yes, had better provide all of the required documents at the same time.

我们是否要等体检后再交485?(还没预约体检)-Fine, but it will delay the I-485 process.

7. 转换身份时还要G325A一起交吗?-Not need this form.

-You can provide your company financial statement to prove your income.

还需要其他的什么证明吗?稅表的话听说只要最近一年的就可以了(2016年的),对吗?-OK, but if you can, you had better provide the tax return of 2017. If no, USCIS may ask you to provide it later, then you can provide it at that time.

9. 2016年需要达到多少稅才算合格?

2015年收入不高,还需要填上去吗?。-Yes. Read the I-864 Instructions.

10.2017年稅还未报,我的收入只要提供收入证明就可以了还是要等报完税拿到税单才可以帮我父母担保?-Had better provide the tax return of 2017.
