
来源: 863211 2017-07-06 18:15:14 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1763 bytes)
回答: 8 老师:file 140 and 485 排期时间问题Postmodern2017-07-06 09:35:13


我以前的雇主给我办理了perm and i-140, PD 是2014年4月,后来换工作,新工作(是consulting agency)又重新办理perm, 刚收到律师通知 新PERM 也批了。他们让我准备办140, 但这次要我自己出钱。 

因为我看PD 现在才到13年3月,也不知道什么时候才能交485。我记得有人说过,如果PD 到了,可以140和485一起交。
-That is true.

因为我现在是contract工作,不是很稳定,如果我contract 突然中断,又要从新找工作,如果从新找工作,也许会又要换工种或雇主,那会影响perm 吗? 
-Yes. If you change employer, then the new employer needs to file PERM and I-140 again. Also, if you don't file I-140 within 6 months, the approved PERM will be void. If you were you, I would file I-140 with this new PERM because you don't know what  will happen in the future. For example, the current employer may hire you back again even if you are laid off after I-140 approval.  So, it is worthy to spend $700 for the I-140 filing fee.

我是想既然485排期还没到,我是不是可以尽可能地等一等,先不急着办1-140,以免以后换工作,又要从新办,花冤枉钱。等到如果过几个月485排期到,就一起交140和485. 或者如果等不到485排期到,也等到perm 失效前再交140. 您觉得这样可行吗? 我应该什么时候交140 最好?
-You need to make the decision by yourself.



Thanks 8 老师。One more thing -Postmodern- 给 Postmodern 发送悄悄话 (423 bytes) () 07/07/2017 postreply 09:57:15

Reply -863211- 给 863211 发送悄悄话 863211 的博客首页 (720 bytes) () 07/07/2017 postreply 10:36:59


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