Donald Trump vows to end H1-B visa program

来源: 2016-11-10 23:56:50 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Donald Trump vows to end H1-B visa program in GOP debate

By Kelly Riddell
 - The Washington Times - Thursday, March 10, 2016


CORAL GABLES, Fla- GOP front runner Donald Trump said the H1-B Visa program that allows U.S. employers to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations for a period of time should be ended.
“I know the H1-B very well. We shouldn’t have it, it’s very, very bad for workers,” Mr. Trump said during the Republican debate at Miami University. He added as an employer, he’s used the program, but in reality it doesn’t benefit U.S. workers.
“It’s unfair to our workers and we should end it,” Mr. Trump said, saying the program should be evaluated and ended if needed within one to two years after he takes office.